Thursday, May 26, 2005

Another MASSIVE Condi hairdo alert! OMG! Breaking!

From your up-to-the-minute source for Condi hairdo news, I'm still reeling from this shocking new coiffure escapade:

You have to admit, this is the kind of violent shift we've all been either hoping for, or dreading, depending on the character of your particular Condi hair obsession. Side view:

Clearly, Dr. Rice is on a mad, manic quest for new headgear options. Let's all pray for her, OK?
You'll have to pardon me, but I'm still a little woozy from all this.

EDIT: Pony Pal™ Julee, in the comments, wonders if these photos are real, or something I whipped up with, for instance, leftover Jackie O pics. They're real! Thrillingly real!


TexasYankee said...

i think i need a sedative.

Anonymous said...

It looks like all she needs now is a "pillbox" hat ala Jackie Kennedy. Subliminal spin for those nostalgic?