I've never met the sassy youngster in the above photos, but he's a Pony Pal™ by default. What's he doing? Why, he's dancing --and cutting a mean ol' rug from the looks of it-- on Ronald Reagan's grave. The intrepid discoholic then triumphantly posted the photos on this message board, and now Wing-Nut Daily has her panties all in a bunch over it. And they're out for blood. Or jail. Or an anti-Republican-grave-desecration ammendment, or something. Just wait 'til Anne Coulter hears about this, then the fur will really fly. And it almost goes without saying that twinkle-toes gets extra style points for the AC/DC t-shirt.
But wait! That's not all! Here he is again, peeing on Nixon's grave:

Ah, youth!
But wait! That's not all! Here he is again, peeing on Nixon's grave:
Ah, youth!
Looks like someone REALLY got mad. They removed the pictures from his blog. Good thing you captured them for all time.
-- Andy
The Yippies have returned! And they're young and cute, and it's just in time.
Sick and indicative of what is wrong with America.
I don't know what you think is funny about some punk-ass dancing on Ronald Regan's grave. Republican or Democrat have a little fucking respect
This kid owns and i wish he pissed on reagan's grave
Let's hope his private part gets the rot and falls off, then he can have fun peeing all over himself at the same time. Fools like him eventually get owned by someone.
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